Thursday, June 17, 2010

kid memory- bb shenanigans

Random memory= My childhood bud, Kenn Baloney (last name changed for their protection) and I decided to pour salt in our mouths to create more "taste bugs", and to take them away, ate pepper. We had to get the right balance in order to taste the best food.
Kids are so stupid.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Seal-bb shenanigans

The seal meat was delicious. I mean it was really Goddamn good. So good your taste buds scream with anticipation as the seal fat is sucked into the mouth and devoured with teaming teeth of tenacity. The women up north prepared it. Cooked it over a fire right there in the igloo. My God, if Joseph had been there he would have bent right over and ate his shoes given the absurdity of the situation.
But there i was, a boy who had grown up in Pennsylvania, stuck up north of Whitehorse (Yukon Territory, Canada), trying to strike gold.

The trip started out fine, great in fact, given that the weather for October hadn't sunk into fuck me in the ass cold temperatures yet. I had used my savings on getting up to the Goddamn city (I should say town), and afterward spent what little left I had on some Goddamn dogs. The fuckers didn't tell me i needed at least 6-8 dogs to run a sled properly when I had just been able to buy 3. Then, after trying to give em back, he said that their were no refunds. Frustrated, I decided to at least get some meat out of the purchase. I killed two and was in the process of smashing the third when the dog breeder ran out screaming he was joking... I wish I could share his crazy Inuit humor because at that moment I did not think this was particularly funny.
I also found out the dog meat doesn't taste good. Raw. Kicked out of town because of "immoral acts". And without a fire.
Like I said it wasn't fuck me in the ass cold yet, but it was finger me up the butthole with great irritability cold. So I dug a little hole, crawled inside, and next thing I know I was woken up in a tent with the smell of seal meat cooking.
Let me tell you, it was the best Goddamn meal I've ever had.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

My Collection of Quotes

I'm using this posts to save quotes I like. This is for my use only and if you are not me stop reading now, you are not allowed to read my personal notes.

"Let not the fierce sun dry one tear of pain
Before thyself hast wiped it from the sufferer's eye" - Helena Petrovna Blavatsky Found in Kurt Vonneguts book - Wampeters Foma & Granfalloons