Monday, April 18, 2011

You know when you are bored of your work. By Dr. Carnasis

A cold wind seems to blow right through me, as I sit waiting. When will my shift be over? My stomach begins to rumble and I feel my throat grow clammy as nausea overcomes me. When, oh when will that end buzzer sound? A piercing tingle penetrates my bones... is that person looking at me... there is nobody there. It has been a long day, when will the whistle blow? Closing my eyes, it is all I can see: the repetitious building, strategy points, algorithms, and continuous clicking. The clock says 5pm, but I don't get off until 8pm.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Aliens are people too - Dr. Carnasis

If you ever bump into a black cloud in your future, always remember to say, "hello" to it. The reason? It could be an alien ship housing a bunch of alien entities ready to make first contact with us. If you are prejudice, shoot the black cloud, or even deny it human social interaction, you will miss out on a great experience.

For me, I imagine that should I make contact with these black cloud aliens, that they would be friendly and reach out and share with me their secrets and their technology. I see myself ignoring the warnings of my fellow human compatriots, even as they hold me back from coming into a reasonable distance of this black bubbling dark mass just in case that it may be deadly, or some black-hole vortex that would suck me in.

I touch it regardless and the most beautiful being emerges. At first, it appears to be a puppy but then slowly transforms into another innocent image of a child but as it gains my trust, I see through the facade and see the Grey for what it is, a big bug eyed thin limbed extra terrestrial from the planet Zeon [or Zion, I really don't understand the pronunciation].

It blesses my trust and faith, and shares with me some of their secrets. I would be recognized for my efforts after I patent the technologies it reveals, and sell them to the world. Cha-Ching!

Next time you see a strange intra-dimensional phenomena being, ET, star-traveler, or alien, just remember, they are people too and they yearn for social and emotional contact just as the rest of humanity. Everyone aboard the USS Friendship.

About Dr. Carnasis. Dr. Carnasis is a NEW blogger for the Four Writters Club, for now, that is all you get!