Sunday, May 9, 2010

Dear Carol,

I used to think you were quite attractive. You had these amazing hips that flowed down your body like a beautiful prairie landscape. Your teeth were slightly crooked, but in the most perfect way. Your hair smelled like daffodils, even when you didn't wash it. Your breath smelled like an old cedar chair, which is weird, but at least it didn't reek. Your hands felt like ivory. Your eyes shined like a moon. Your smile made my knees weak. Your charm belonged hidden in a rainbow. Your words were so soft.

These things are not the reason for my letter, but rather I write this to inform you I know longer want to see you. You've grown ugly. Ugly like a rat.

Best Regards,

Benjamin Road


  1. I like the Four writers you guys are cool. I like your blogs to feel a little sorry for Carol tho lol Thanks for being my first comment and make sure its not the last...
    Signed UnknownKid

  2. Thanks UnknownKid, it's appreciated. I know sometimes I can be harsh towards Carol, but it's only because I secretly love her.

  3. Benjamin,if you had the nerve to write this about her.I that you had the heart to tell her face to face,like a grown man should.I do wish you the best.From Germany.

  4. Benjamin and Carol had a very long distance relationship, many of their deepest conversations developed in letters.
