Thursday, October 1, 2009


This is a call out to all members and non-members that we are having a limited time recruiting offer for the fall! comment here if you are interested in sharing what you think is interesting with the rest of the world! so far tyler is political, jon is scientific, brody is fantasy/bizzare and i am all over the place (random). YOU could be the new part of this blog!


  1. But wait, nobody knows we even exist

  2. ...won't that make it more than the "Four Writters"

  3. Yes, it would, but we could always change our name. Or! or we could have a fight to the death, to make room for more, without numerally expanding our name.

  4. P.S. Stephanie: it seems to be impossible to comment on your blog. You may want to look into that.

  5. well one writter has stopped posting.

  6. I'm a little late in noticing this, but you could maybe do a guest post. I'm not really sure we're looking much into recruiting anymore, but we could always use a good post.
