Sunday, February 7, 2010

Austin returns to the silver screen- Ryan the Writter

Austin has appeared in numerous works on screen including "Paranoia", "Please keep the Bees ( off my knees)", and "WOAH" the musical. His success comes from his ability to make normal social situations into awkward/weird ones (hilarity often ensues).

Today Austin is sitting in a study section at his school. Austin can normally handle this, however a group of nursing students has just walked in and sits next to him.
Audience says "Ooooooh", applauds and cheers
Not wanting to look like a loser, Austin quickly switches his website from Magic the Gathering to a pornsite, so as to make his masturbation seem normal.
The audience eagerly waits and watches as one of the nursing students looks over
"Oh my God! is that kid jerking off?" one of the future nurses states bluntly (and stupidly given that Austin was not exactly hiding his horrendous habit)
The others look over and have mixed reactions of laughing, vomiting, and running away.
Audience applauds with laughter
Austin simply states "oops, i did it again!"
audience laughs before cut scene

Post Script= Austin will not be returning to the screen the disappointment of some and the relief of most.


  1. Austin is so funny. I can totally relate to the crazy situations he ends up in. totally.

  2. you can relate to nothing!!!
