Alfred Hitchcock is on to us.
His damn movie has let the humans know how deliciously evil we are.
Our second coming is near.
Our hour is nearly at hand.
Victory is nea...you get the point.
Your fiery boom sticks cant match our sheer numbers once our delicious chicken cousins are freed from your prisons.
And after you are overwhelmed, I cant wait to eat all your eyes...
this is our chant..(final draft still in progress)
bom bom bom
peck peck squish
peck peck squish
eatin your eyes is a mighty fine dish
- Alcoa Albatross ryan
Human attack
- thanks for posting this Calvin Cassowary!
-just loved the part where the human almost died!
Bible THUMPer
- Susan Swan, great neck attack however the human talk is boring, he should be doing more dying than speaking.
Keep up the efforts my friends!
hahaha this is great!