Sunday, March 14, 2010

A Drunken Sunday Morning Post- by Jon

Currently 5:43 AM Mountain Time; just returned from the strippers. My roommate (Ryan maybe you know him?) took me there as a tribute, my first time; a treat between guys I guess. I can, in a single sentence, sum it up as is:
in order to demean women, you must first demean society.
Maybe this is the wrong way to ponder this? Maybe this quote of my own making is nothing more than a cop-out, blaming my own lustful and lecherous impulses on the nature of society. However, I would disagree, despite how much I enjoy the female figure (I do agree that strip clubs degrade women, that's the main reason I advocate they stick to internet porn - the amount of degredation is inversly proportional to the distance between the benefactor and the observer).
It was my first time at the strippers. Surprisingly, I spent the majority of my visit observing the behavior of the audience present instead of the performance (It both intrigued and depressed me). The crowd comprised: 18-20 year old men 55%, 21+ men 30%, and women 18-30 15% (all drunk approximates of course). A wave of depression came over me. I found it somewhat ironic that the loonies that I was tossing towards these nude beauties epitomized integrity, reverence, and empowerment for women (for all you non-Canadians out there, the back of a Canadian dollar coin entails the queen of England). At the same time, there was a comforting realization for how society is; I am somewhat of a cynic/realist to begin with so that explains that. A saying I made up (I see society this way): “If you can’t eat it, make money off it, or fuck it, it’s for the birds”.
The joint closed and Ryan and I were forced out onto the street, a cheap hot dog stand lay before us. While my companion was ordering a delicious six-inch delicacy I had fun conversing with the crowd loitering around the club front entrance. It was at this point that I epiphanized the italic statement above. I guess I’m not trying to argue from any specific point of view, but instead just a off-the cuff, drunk, observation/philosophy. I value facts above anything else, in fact I live by the saying “I let the facts dictate my opinion, not my opinion determine the facts” (The funny thing is, I am not running by any facts in this whole post, just my observations (I’m being hypocritical (How many brackets between brackets can you do before it is poor format?)), fuck alcohol it confuses you!). So by all means I like public review and criticism. Open post I welcome it. I should say that I’m not really trying to convince anyone of anything or argue anything in particular. I’m currently inebriated and just spilling what ever comes to mind. What the hell am I even talking about? Fuck this, I’m going to sleep.

First admitted drunken post from the FOUR WRITTERS.


  1. This could be really random but my old roommate was a stripper, this came about when she didn't have enough money for drugs, not to pay bills. I went to pick her up from work one time and she asked me to come watch her dance. I looked at her once , I just watched everyone watching her. I heard so many stories from her of the men that would come in. The point is it was interesting from a sociological standpoint and amusing but saddening. Oh and the stripper roommate, kicked her out and shes still a coke whore.

    I like the quote by the way.

  2. Do you know what I hate Jon,.. Jon Jon, Jon? Guys that go to strip clubs and inflict their furious chains of judgment and condescending glares upon me. Well, actually, I do the same thing, watching and analyzing people, even in a skin bar when there's a bad dancer on stage trying to scar my innocent little mind.

    I don't feel like is is necessarily degrading to women (or men), it all depends on why they have chosen to partake in such a profession. For a large percentage, and Angela has helped me with this point, they enter into the life of a stripper because they have drug abuse issues and need the money; however there are lots that do it for many other reasons. Some need the money to survive or raise their children. Some enjoy the rush of exposing themselves to obnoxious strangers. Others might be directed into the career by their circle of friends. I'm the end though, the choice of staying with the profession is almost always for the money, not unlike any other job.

    Our society degrades itself with or without the help of strip clubs, it's just nice to know when everything else falls apart, there is a place we can go to fall with it.

    Also a note: this is not our first drunk post, you should know this Jon, since you were involved with the first one. Do you remember the "Douche on the Loose" created after a drunk walk home from the bars, or "Guest Post - Timothy Michael Adams".

  3. I pretty much agree with you Brody. However, this was the first "admitted drunken post".

    I miss Timothy M. Adams, that drunk fuck.

  4. Hello Mike,

    It's nice to know people are interested in this wonderful place the Four Writters call home. The possibility of doing an interview will certainly be discussed among us and I'm sure the oppurtunity will be welcomed.

    The secrets of our foundation are heavily guarded and entrusted to the four pillars, but it is still possible to conduct an interview without harming it's sanctity. As long as it doesn't reveal the true objectives of the Four Writters and is only a puff peice about this blog we are using as a front.

    bBrody The Writter

  5. First off, thanks for posting a comment on my fog blog.

    I stopped going to strip clubs in my mid twenties. The way strippers would always hit me up for cash was a real turn-off. My buddy used to spend a fortune on lap dances. I just don't get it. You can't even jerk off in a strip club. You just sit there with a hard-on that, in all honesty, kinda starts to hurt after a while.

  6. Ya, you just have to be money smart when you go to a strip club. I haven't gone to a whole lot, but when I do, I find it's good to sit back from perverts row so you're not pursuaded to toss loonies around like a fool. Just buy a couple beers and enjoy the show.
