Ok so the title is in Arabic. I don't know why but it is.. my work computer seems to have a mind of its own..
The title says "this is confusing... why is this in Arabic?" but what I wanted to say was something like; "Little weird things i do. - By Ryan"
I felt like sharing the only thing I do which could be considered obsessive compulsive.
Whenever I finish showering, I turn the water off, then pull up the metal plug which divides the bath and shower. I don't have to do this but when i do it, the water that was already in the pipes makes its way out of the bath faucet, and makes a satisfying *thump*thump*thump* in the bath tub. The first few times I did this, i was very satisfied with my new routine and every time I did this I would think "this is very satisfying".
The bizarre thing is that now I don't even enjoy doing this. I don't get any satisfaction out of doing this action at all, but I continue because of habit. Whats more bizarre is that every time I do this, without fail, I think "this is very satisfying" EVEN WHEN IT FUCKING ISNT.
I suppose this is something that is not deadly, or bad for my health. It just worries me that the next time I eat chicken salad, I might be triggered to punch a baby. Or next time I punch a baby, I might be triggered to eat the baby.
lets hope my problem stays under control.
I've been dying to tell someone about this, but I can't afford a therapist. After I finish taking a shower and turn the water off I usually stay inside it while drying off, basking in the warmth of the residual steam.
ReplyDeleteHowever the shower head usually drips water and the constant sound of water dripping drives me fucking nuts. Because of this I always take the shower head off and shake out all the water so it won't drip.
I like this post cause I got to vent my own personal issues. Does anyone who reads this blog have any quirks? Stop stalking us and spill the beans.
do you feel better now that you got this off your chest?
ReplyDeleteOh my. I dont know what to say.
ReplyDeleteI get some freakish turn on when hangers get stuck together. Go figure!
Woah, wait, really? Like clothing hangers? I see from your blog that you dig fashion and clothing, but how can you become turned on from hangers getting tangled? Please, if you ever come back and read this, do elaborate.
ReplyDeleteI actually LOL. reading you totally amuses me.
ReplyDeleteWhenever I leave a room I turn the light off. If the light happens to be off I still follow with the same motions, then kick myself inside for being stupid.
ReplyDeleteJust so that you know: that isn't Arabic. That is Hindi.
ReplyDeleteYa, that guy who wrote this is such and idiot.
ReplyDeleteI am such AND idiot?