Woe be my tormented soul, for my life now is devoid of even simple pleasures. My talks with the local Alchemist (Alchi be his name) have become curt and without merriment upon late. It seems the deal with the crab people has applied to him as well, forcing him to sacrifice both his son, Jorst, and his younger daughter, Susan. In past times, Alchi always would laugh with childish delight upon seeing me remove my thumb from my hand, only to put it back seconds later. This morning when I did this, he simply put his head back into his hands and continued weeping. It seems my attempts to make this town happy are futile.
Alas, I have discovered ways in which to occupy my time while my town is dealing with present misfortunes. Months ago, I sent the local guard to search the southern hills of Coors for semi precious rocks (I have heard that some of these rocks hold mystical properties). Only recently did the guard return (some of them anyway) but more importantly carrying the rocks. Over the past few days my harem has helped place these rocks in my garden, creating pathways for which to view my rhododendrons and calla lilies. The sheer magnitude of my genius can be understood when viewing the garden from my tower, for when viewed, the rocks form the shape of my bust! Though these semi precious minerals are now put to good use, I hesitate to write that the original purpose of this minor expedition has been forgotten. I trust that you will keep this information secret.
I shall write soone,
Below is a rough sketch of my rock bust;

Excellent !!
ReplyDeleteYou have quite a nerve Merlon! Those guards we're explorers for the Council of Shouldician Blacksmiths. They were collecting iron rich rocks we needed to create new shields and arrows to defend against the crab people. The rumour is they are planning to attack and we have no defences. The only weapons we have are the dangerous looking gardening tools, which are currently being used by the Villagers to bargain with the local shop keeps.
ReplyDeleteNow the Crab People will almost certainly overrun us, but at least you will have a nice garden they can look at just before they slaughter everyone!
Calm yourself Rouger! I assure you that if the crab people should attack, we will be ready. I have formed a protective barrier around my tower and garden to ensure my safety!
ReplyDeleteFear not my faithful, your leader will not perish so easily.
Enjoyed reading!