Monday, April 19, 2010

Nature Walk and Geography Lessons - Brody the Observer

It's that time of year. Spring, when the flowers are blooming, the ice is melting, deer are humping each other and chewing up peoples gardens, city folk are rushing out into the wilderness to camp, bears are waking up and mauling the city folk, morgues are receiving a high inflow of dead campers.

There's nothing like it, and to enjoy this splendid fruitful bounty of awesome weather, I went for a hike by the river. It was a time of rejoice and renewed optimism for life, which can only last for so long. During my hike I saw many interesting things. I saw things like trees and moss:

I also saw rocks, lots of rocks. Here are some that were stack into an inukshuk:

One of the most amazing things I found, was a rock that was shaped disturbingly similar to the United States. I was a little hesitant to take the rock, because of a deep fear I might be forced to pay financially crippling tariffs, but fortunately no government authorities have tried contacting me yet. Here is the rock, let me know if you agree or disagree that it resembles the U.S.

I labeled the U.S. states to better help represent the similarity:

Striking isn't it?

Here's one more photo showing the U.S. in relation to Canada to help give the photo some sense of scale:


  1. Now Americans will finally learn some real geography!
    Good, informative post brody!

  2. I hold the information!

  3. Its like the US is a tumor growing off Canada!

  4. I forgot how much Canada resembles a fish!

  5. florida went to the west coast xD

  6. That was a good post. Very funny.

  7. I dont think Seattle is a state... but who am i to say.... nice rock!!

  8. It's a state as far as that rock is concerned.
