Sunday, April 19, 2009

Attack of the zombie crabs! -Ryan

read from damn, this article kind of blew me away. I had no idea that parasites could do this! could you imagine one that attaches to humans?

"i hate small towns, and i hate things i cant see!" -Francis

"Francis! look over here!" -Zoe

"Ahh get it off me, get it off me!" - Louis

"Theres a man comin round taken names, and he decides who to fdsfdsaas AHHHH ZOMBIE CRABS" -Bill


  1. That article is damn interesting. Your story on the other hand was just kinda tresting. The best line I personally thought was this one:

    "Theres a man comin round taken names, and he decides who to fdsfdsaas"

    Who is this man, what does he normally do, does he have a family or hobbies?

  2. no, Bill was just singing a Johnny Cash song... and hey i know all my words arnt gold! (besides it was more of an inside joke for johnny boy) but i do like tresting. we could use it for satisfactory posts. sometimes people could just say "tresting" in acknowledgment of the post.
