Monday, April 6, 2009

A Drive in a Car -- Brody the Writter

I'm about to exit the city limits as I pass the last set of lights. The warmth of their glow will quickly fade into the vast darkness that consumes all things existing beyond the cities reach. I can see a car with its flashers on about a kilometer ahead, too far to make out any details as to why. My ass is uncomfortable and sweaty yet I don't turn off the seat heater, I'm unable to link the two conditions together. As sweat pools around me, in a puddle of cruelty, I rapidly approach the flashing car. I can see that it's parked square in my lane.

I had just finished watching a horror film so my mind plays with the idea some wacko is going to stop me for help only to try and stab me for his sick kicks. The idea doesn't seem to faze me, it never does anymore. I think I would enjoy the drama of such a situation, a sudden kick to jolt a dull life.

As I intriguingly pull around the car, looking to see if the individual needs help, I notice a figure in front of his vehicle laying on the ground. It's not a person, but a large porcupine.

"Well that's no reason for me to stop"

I continue to drive through the dark void, more intrigued with my radio then with the situation of the dead ball of needles. I'm running off three hours sleep, and vexed in song, but it's not enough to distract me from my own suicidal porcupine that hurls itself in front of my car. Unfortunately for the collection of needles I easily avoid hitting it. I avoided killing it only to save damage to my worthless car, even though the second I saw the creature I knew it wanted to die.

I've lived in this area at least a decade and I've never seen a porcupine here. They also don't travel in herds during the melting months of spring like fucking deer. They were porcupine mates and they lived for each other. That porcupinacal mess that I avoided killing was throwing himself in front of my car after watching it's love die a kilometer up the road. What will become of it one can only speculate. Will it attempt to butt heads with a car again, hoping for a less graceful driver. Will it wander around without eating until it dies from starvation. Will it lay in a field somewhere and die from a broken heart. One can't be sure, but I have a feeling it has seen its end.


  1. you are a graceful driver, a ballerina you might say. svelte and beautiful and utterly graceful with a motor vehicle. thats a compliment mostly.

  2. porcupinical is a phenomenal word... real or not.

  3. ya, I'm sure it's made up, but your way of spelling it is the right way to make it up.

  4. excellent post brody, although a little depressing.. love is is a beautiful thing, and sometimes worth dying for if your a romantic.

  5. life is depressing and I'm a horrible liar.

  6. i think the story is heartwarming. even a stupid, insignificant porcupine can be inspirational.

  7. Ya, well, I hold you responsible.

  8. I am reviewing your personality profile brody, and it appears that you fit the criteria to be a delusional multi-personality schizophrenic. I recommend that you seek help immediately and as you know, i offer bi-weekly consultation seminars. (and yes i said bi-weekly just to sound more professional)

  9. How do I know you're not me? Maybe I should just consult myself, no?

  10. ps, whats with the link emmisville?

  11. ahhhhh... I now understand the origin of the multiple-personality schizophrenic poem comment.
