Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Interesting Essay - by Jon

Below is a link to a facinating short essay on the behavior of Psycopaths. Unfortunately, it's not entirely conclusive as some of it is kinda speculative.
There's a quiz you can take that'll let you know how close to Psycopath you really are.
It brought to mind a few people I know that fit the profile.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Your Monday Delusion-by Jon

Get a kick out of this (here's the link)
Its about a religious cult in Baltimore
Quoted from the article:

…they denied a 16-month-old boy food and water because he did not say "Amen" at mealtimes. After he died, they prayed over his body for days, expecting a resurrection, then packed it into a suitcase with mothballs. They left it in a shed in Philadelphia, where it remained for a year before detectives found it last spring.


Psychiatrists who evaluated Ramkissoon at the request of a judge concluded that she was not criminally insane. Her attorney, Steven Silverman, said the doctors found that her beliefs were indistinguishable from religious beliefs, in part because they were shared by those around her.

"She wasn't delusional, because she was following a religion," Silverman said, describing the findings of the doctors' psychiatric evaluation

I like that last bit. All you delusional nut jobs out there can reclaim sanity if you profess religious affiliation or succeed in convincing someone that you truely aren't delusional.

P.S. PADP that includes you =)

Someones got the case of the Mundays!

Francis: I hate Mondays!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

It's all about not making it -- Brody the Writter

"Being a writer is all about beards and haircuts" - Douglas

"Doug, I want more quotes from you" - Brody

"You can do the beer one" - him
"What beer one" me
"We can get a case of beer and drink at that creepy spot" - him
"You're just going to write in your blog and not figure out where to go" - Bobby
"Man, you totally misquoted me" - Bobby again (being an ass)

... Bobby gets aggravated

I decide to stop writing

Friday, March 27, 2009

nothing- ryan

As I am becoming adjusted to blogging, one thing continues to reappear which I would like to address. After looking at our followers, the people we follow, and the people who follow the ones we follow, I have noticed that people talk about nothing a lot. I use the word nothing loosely here because nothing could mean nothing, something, or even everything.. thats my point. Blogging gives you the chance to talk about nothing because it might mean something to you, as a sort of journal for the 21st century. I am intrigued by blog posts about road trips, looking at cats, or even strawberries because some one thought that it was important enough to write about. Possibly, these small "nothings" can have deeper meanings, which in return can provoke critical thought, change your attitude, or even your mentality. Ill spare you from delving into the philosophy of this, however ill leave you with this= life is pointless if you think of it as a process of birth-life-death... its depressing and somewhat boring. If that is the most broad, cynical definition of life, than whouldent that make the smallest, most insignificant things the most important??

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Weekly Explosm Comic-- #2- Ryan

Are you as excited as i am about this weeks comic?? Awesome! without delay here it is!


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Barack about town

Thought this was a funny story:

tyler, we need to talk about your flair== by ryan

Joanna? Would you come here for a moment, please?

I'm sorry. I was late. I was having lunch.

I need to talk about your flair.

Really? I have 15 buttons on. I, uh, (shows him)

Well, ok, 15 is minimum, ok?


Now, it's up to you whether or not you want to just do the bare
minimum. Well, like Brian, for example, has 37 pieces of flair. And a
terrific smile.

Ok. Ok, you want me to wear more?

Look. Joanna.


People can get a cheeseburger anywhere, ok? They come to Chotchkie's
for the atmosphere and the attitude. That's what the flair's about.
It's about fun.

Ok. So, more then?

Look, we want you to express yourself, ok? If you think the bare
minimum is enough, then ok. But some people choose to wear more and we
encourage that, ok? You do want to express yourself, don't you?

Yeah. Yeah.

Great. Great. That's all I ask.


My point Tyler is that your not putting on enough flair. post something of value.

bonus for who can name the movie that this is from first

Tyler is Back - by Tyler

This is a post. Don't kick me out.

Long tirade - by Jon

So I finished class today and made my way to the library. I figured I’d take the scenic, outdoor route because it’s so damn nice out for late March (sarcasm), and I happened upon a gathering in the center of campus positioned strategically along the main path with the attempt at drawing attention from passer-by’s. Actually, I would be shocked if anyone (aside for maybe a blind person) could have missed it, especially since there were huge orange signs communing ‘Warning: Genocide Pictures Ahead’.
Ok, so here is your opportunity to retrofit a plausible reason and/or point to such a display (World War 2 exhibit, racial acceptance, Jew awareness week, etc). I bet you didn’t guess abortion.

The Pro-life group has returned once again to the University with the mission of convincing people that abortion is wrong and equivalent to genocide. To aid in stressing their point they have assembled a collection of grotesque and rather disturbing poster-photography of aborted embryos, dead infants, and mass death pits/hangings/gas-chambered Jews during WW2. The proponents of the display loiter amongst the disturbing media handing out brochures and calling out to people as they pass. Interestingly, there is a metal fence (almost chest high) demarcating them from the public. I couldn’t help but wonder what sort of conflict emerges from such an emotionally charged issue. I love any sort of controversy, so naturally I get involved in the discussion.

“Do you support abortion?” A pro-life advocate asks.
“Yes,” I respond.
“Well, do you support genocide?”
Immediately I understand where this is going, but I play along, “No.” Who in their right mind would support (or at least publicly announce they support) genocide?
“Then how can you reconcile abortion? By aborting children you are discriminating based wholly on age.”

I felt smacked with stupid. I suppose this organization is unfamiliar with the ‘false analogy’. I tried hard (maybe a reader can point this out to me), but I was unable to see their point of view, at least from a rational perspective. In my view, I cannot honestly equate genocide with abortion (although babies are damn annoying…). It’s utterly absurd. There are a plethora of other methods the Pro-life advocates could have implemented to get their point across. Unfortunately, instead they settled on fear-mongering and the notion that abortion is somehow sinful or inhuman. It’s a popular cultural reflex to associate any action with the Nazi’s as the epitome of evil. I saw this as inaccurate, a cheap-shot.

Point aside, I found it incredibly interesting how some people vociferously argued their position. Unfortunately, with an issue like abortion, you cannot argue for truth. Abortion is a value judgment and has no absolute truth value to it. There is no evidence that one can present that would sway the argument one way or the other. There is no scientific test one can perform, or equation to plug numbers into where a definite right answer springs forth. I accept abortion because I have no reason not too. I hold no superstitious notions of anything resembling a soul (or an afterlife for that matter), so I (perhaps coldly) associate a 2-4 week old embryo as a conglomerate of cells with potential. The campus Pro-life group has religious underpinnings so it becomes quite obvious why they hold the position they do.

Wow this post is getting long. To wrap up (maybe there will be a part 2), my point is that the individuals position on abortion is a belief, a value judgment, and is entirely up to that person to reconcile with, much like religion. I am opposed to anyone trying to force their beliefs on anyone else (whether religion or whatever) solely for the purpose of belief. I follow the evidence and only support the positions that can be substantiated; anything else is, in my view, a waste of time.

Fuck Ya -- Brody the Writter

It's done. There's nothing left for me here at my current point of ordinate; therefore I am leaving for Seattle to pursue other ventures.

Whatever, I never really loved Mini Wheats -- Brody the Writter

Man fuck Mini Wheats. Strawberries are what its all about. I've always liked them, I mean everyone does. They are the pinnacle of things you can eat. I've just always told myself "hey what are you thinking, they're $6.00 for a little plastic container." or thought people would judge me: "Everybody look, that kid thinks he's worthy enough to be eating strawberries. Let's kick his ass". Maybe after I ate them I'd find out they belonged to some linebacker who was going to bust my ass.

At any rate, I'd said fuck it all last night and ate one, just one, but I know there well be more. I did it late at night hoping that all those mini wheats would be carelessly asleep in their box, their dreams lost in the milky way. It was amazing, I got that little strawberry all wet to make sure there was no chemicals on it, then I bit it clean to the green leafy part, whatever you call that. What an experience, fucking eh Strawberries!

Nature is your friend - by Jon

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I've made amends with Mini Wheats -- Brody the Writter

I love mini wheats and they love me. It hasn't always been that way, sometimes when I attempt to eat them they'll pretend to be stale. Sometimes I think when they sit inside the box they rub up against each other, trying to scrape their sugar shells off. Doing this in the hopes I well be disgusted by their wheaty taste and refuse to eat the rest, a cunning tactic of sacrifice a few to save the others. Their plots have worked before and I've been forced to rekindle lost loves of frosted flakes or captain crunch, but today a flower blossomed somewhere in an open field.

Beside me rests a cold, white ceramic bowl. A spoon delicately bathing in a small disregarded puddle of milk; milk that's stained a hue of brown. It seems to whisper the words for me.... I love mini wheats and they love me.

failure - ryan

Our hopes to share thoughts, express ideas, and banter with stalkers from the future are being disrupted by one of our own. Yes i speak of the one who does not speak: Tyler. As one of the four writters, it was expected that he would writt, so in light of these facts i propose an ultimatum. Tyler, I know that your a hairy thug (supposedly), but to prove that you actually check the posts anymore you must comment on this post by exactly 2:38 tomorrow. If you fail to do this, then we will unleash a herd of wild zebras on you in the hopes that they don't initially kill you, but maul and rape your helpless body. I realize of course, that they wont want to rape you, however i have just received some potent pheromones from PADP's diesel monopoly friend, Omnicorperation. In one stroke, we have removed the weak from our cause, and supported the enemy of our enemy (we are now facebook friends).

-suck it PADP

Sunday, March 22, 2009

addition to meteor thoughts -- ryan


Post-Apocalyptic Diesel Proprietor -- Brody

However creepy and disconcerting the sketches of our members were, as depicted in PADPs latest inquiry, they none the less gave me the biggest laugh I've had the pleasure to receive in my reachable memory. For that I thank you. Yet this raises the issue of who PADP really is. Ever since their arrival on our site, I've felt unable to express myself in the judging loom of this fictional character. Parading in with the alias of Joan the road warrior from the future, whose only connection to our time is through a series of 1s and 0s, illuminated as words on a screen, I can't help but surrender to the pain of curiosity.

Judging from the effort put into this character, the immediate conclusion I come to is that it's creation is caused by someone I know, Maybe even someone who can sit quietly watching me type these words, only to summon laughter deep within themselves at my struggles. Maybe this is why they are able to draw such striking? sketches of our members, because our faces are easily traceable in their memory.

Yet, whether its part of their wit wondering plot or not, they want to lead us down other paths. On these other paths we're supposed to believe this is all a game put on by a group of students in Virginia. Maybe a school project, or maybe a way to escape the metal bars of their classes, a sort of electronic trip into the thoughts of others. On this path I might assume PADP goes by the name of Rachel and aliased art student Dot is actually her companion from her Language class, who she wants to incorporate in her trips whether they be electronic or not. If they can't be home in Montana then these fictional lives well have to fill in for now.

Certainly I am wrong, yet for now I need to settle on some sort of conclusion to give me peace of mind. For the people who know me, as PADP soon will, they know I am tormented by the not knowing. So I well settle myself for now, but I know deep down it burns like a burning itch in my pants, I must one day uncover the truth.

Who is Post-Apocalyptic Diesel Proprietor?

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Some things dont make sense... by ryan

Some things just do not make sense to me.

So picture this= i wake up today thinking fuck! i need to return this video camera ASAP before i get some late charges! Bam, im at the school in a giffy, and the nice (but stupid, ill get into this later) lady didnt give me any late charges. so i take this mini dvd cassette tape, and im like "ok what do i do now to get this". So i have to get a camera back from the nice (but stupid) lady, and she gives me a fire wire to fire wire chord, and im like "sweet! i can get my info!" then i realize that none of the computers have a firewire port... ok fuck. media lady and computer help lady have been trying to help me but haven't been more helpful than a bag of nails. I manage to get my hands on a firewire-USB cable with another videocamera but nothing is recognized. I run up to help desk (wtf i thought i was talking to library help desk>???) and they are closed. I go back to library and try finding help on the internet or software...fail.

point= hour lost, dumb people who should have other jobs, sad me for never getting my fucking data transfered.

some things dont make sense to me

Weekly Explosm comic - by Ryan

Hello everyone! Im going to keep this post short in fear of being psychoanalyzed by our feared nemesis, so here is a comic that I found funny!


oh and here is a pretty funny vid:


Friday, March 20, 2009

How to save civilization -- Brody

One of peoples doomsday fears is a large comet with an earth bound path. In the movies thetry to blow it up before it hits earth, but I've never really heard any better suggestions; therefore as a gesture of kindness I offer you the solution to tackling any moderately sized comet.

I call it atmospheric buffering.

Once you've determined a comets path through our atmosphere all you need to do is buffer the atmosphere it well be traveling through (Maybe buffering is the wrong word, but I can't think of a better one at the moment cause my attention is focused on saving your life). By Buffering I mean fill the air with large particles designed to accelerate the disintegration of the Meteoroid. If you can quadruple the speed of disintegration you can cut the ferocity of impact by four (a lie, but some ratio exists).

I'm not sure if it's possible to accelerate the rate of disintegration to a life saving point, that's to be future determined.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

I love The Onion - by Jon

Here's a video by The Onion discussing a fabulous new dinosaur find exhibitting sexual predator-like behavior.


All you creeps out there who are prone to stalking, masterbating in public, etc can now rest with ease. Your socially dysfunctional behavior is the fault of evolution. So stop beating yourself up, don't be ashamed, and keep on creeping - make your dinosaur cousins proud!

P.S. If the video feed fails again, Ryan you have permission to un-fuck it.

Duracell Commercial -- Lindsay The Sistter

Consider this: Firefighters use water to fight fires, and at the bottom of the ocean there are little things called Dura Cells that make water. When a firefighter is using a big yellow hose to save lives they only trust Dura Cells, because it just has to work.

Jesus found in 2008 - by Jon

Check out this YouTube video displaying all the Jesus sightings from 2008.


I could swear 90% of those were Chuck Norris.
The 'Cheesus' was by far the highlight.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

explosm comic issue #1 -by ryan

OK, so apparently we are under attack by a gas hording freak called PTSD or something.. and im not really sure why some chick from the future would choose us but whatever, at least we have a new follower!

Anyways, to get your minds off of the ax wielding baron of Mung Mung dessert, here is one of my favorite explosm comics.


-jon dont worry your favorite will show up soon

Pre-Present Day Reflection -- Brody the Writter

It's tough...

Today is Wednesday...?

I don't think I slept last night or else my dream was very lucid and consisted of me counting cars driving by Tylers house, while his couch reluctantly attempted to support me in its sick willed fashion.

Yesterday was Tuesday?...

The night was successful like the ways i attepmt to spell/cast certain words. It's fun to spell things wrong (to make me feel human), but it didn't get me laid last night. It also didn't get me laid this morning in her bathtub (SMASH!).

No seriously it didn't...

Today is Wednesday I'm sure of it...

I'm collectively trying to purchase a music recorder so I can make sounds more permanent. I have possesion of everything but a power cable, and my thingy likes power cables, nay it craves them. If it could talk to me it would probably request I plug it into the wall, but it can't talk to me until I actually do that.

In a closing thanks I would like to say to people who probably well never read this: Thank you.
Thank you to everybody who let me sit near them. Ryan*2, Sara, Tish, Alex?. Sara snorts when she laughs and I love it.
Thank you Demaira? for buying me and my friends shooters, it was I think the nicest thing anyones every done for me and for that reason I well jump in front of you if somebody is shooting bullets in your direction or making stabbing motions whilst walking towards you. I'm forever in debt.
Thank you to the pretty girls who refuse to talk to me, for I have saved a small fortune in avoidance of being benefactor to your entertainment.

Also, because this post might not leave much room for responses, I would like to know if anyone has any requests for songs I should record? Not saying I'll let anyone hear it, for sake of my dignity.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Ryan and Brody ditched-by jon

Fuckin' Guys,
Here, emancipated, and taking in the delapitation of tyler's home (i'm sooooo drunk because i am forced to drink by myself), i've come to the conclusion that the actions of Brody and Ryan have made the Four Writters divisible by 2. Ya that's right, when you divide 4 by 2 you get 2....2, lonely 2....

About Ryan's Thoughts

I kind of agree with Ryan. I think it is pretty ridiculous how much some people have and others don't, but I don't think that money buys happiness. Rich people still deal with stress overwork and unhappiness. We have too much of a good thing with all of our wealth. If wealth was more evenly distributed and people worked less in general, everyone would be better off. All you need is love. And a little money.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Ryan's thoughts

People don't appreciate what they have. Every day I thank... well i don't thank God, but I thank science and chance for not only making me human, a creature able to comprehend its own existence, but put in the top percentile in terms of wealth. 20% of the population having 80% of the wealth... does that seem fair? well who cares about that.. because of this we have lots of extra time to sit about and write in blogs all day.. But WHAT DO MOST PEOPLE DO? complain... complain complain complain... ah this traffic is terrible! omg that person didnt wash their hands(haha)! our political system is terribly corrupt! I have 1 answer to all of those: Its not Africa, stop fucking complaining. It seems that no matter what situation we are in we complain that we don't have enough...

thoughts, comments, additions?

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Study Study

tooooo huuung ooover to study. Tyler

The Drum and Monkey -- Brody

The musics too loud and I'm not in high school.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Bro you are a genius

I only wish I was born in one of those months. Now I know that I am inferior.

Mathew Effect ver 2 - by Jon

The Matthew Effect -- Brody the Writter

Ok, so if Jon thinks he's the only one that can post random facts to beat off too, then I got a fucking surprise for him, and the rest of your ugly faces. It's time to put a giant rubber band on your heads to keep your brain from exploding and messing up your computers. Tuck a napkin in your shirt to catch the drool you disgusting slops and get your hands out of your pants and on your keyboard to be ready to respond you sick minded fucks.

Ok so I was laying in bed last night daydreaming about naked girls, and then I started looking at pictures of naked girls, after which I realized I don't have time for that bullshit so I started reading Malcolm Gladwells book called "Outliers". Chapter one was interesting, but if your curious go read it yourfuckingself.

Chapter two was yet way more interesting as it pertained to something called the Matthew Effect. There is a very interesting pattern in professional sports, academia, and other things I can't think to list. It occurs when our society tries to separate kids into higher and lower ability groups from a young age. The pattern was first noticed in sports when some dudes wife started looking at birthdays of kids in a Junior A hockey championship game. What she noticed was the highest majority of players were born in the months of January, February, and March. It wasn't just a small majority, it was a 5:1 ratio I think.

Let me show this with an example and hopefully it works to prove my point. Looking at the starting line on the calgary flames we can examine their birthdays:

Todd Bertuzzi #7 ===== 02 Feb '75
Jarome Iginla #12 ===== 01 Jul '77
Mike Cammalleri #13 ===== 08 Jun '82
Rene Bourque #17 ===== 10 Dec '81
Daymond Langkow #22 ===== 27 Sep '76
Curtis Glencross #20 ===== 28 Dec '82
Craig Conroy #24 ===== 04 Sep '71
David Moss #25 ===== 28 Dec '81

Ok I'm going to stop now cause I can see what is happening here. The dude who came up with the matthew effect was smoking crack. His argument was that if cutoffs for making the top class peewee super awsome hockey league were on January 1st, as they are in Canada, then the closer your birthday was to the cutoff date the higher your odds of making the team. If you make the top team as a kid you receive more practice time, better coaching and play with tougher players, therefore becoming a better hockey player down the road, not because you deserved it, but because you were falsely classified as a better player when you were a wee little squirt. This is because at a young age, the extra months of maturity you would have over kids born later in the year would give you a slight edge, and therefore coaches were more likely select you for special teams.

My theory is different. According to the starting line of the Calgary Flames and assuming it applies to all hockey teams and major sports and everything else, is this:

-- If you are born in the months of September or December, like 50% of the high profile players on my list, then you are 100% more likely to be 50% more awesome then everyone else. Looking even deeper into the theory you would discover that I am born in September and the other Brodie is born In Decemeber, therefore we can make a jump in the theory to come to our final conclusion, and its official:

---- If your name starts with "Brod" and ends with either "y" or "ie", then you are 100% more likely to be 50% more awesome then everyone else.


Also not to make people born in the early months feel more horrible, but Shannon pointed out another astonishing fact:

-- There is a 73% chance of dying in the months of January, February, and March.

Tyler had to pay!

oh yeah and Tyler had to pay! (sing tyler had to pay to the scotty doesent know song)

morning wood

This post isnt actually about that, i just wanted to get your attention.. no this post is going to be pretty boring as i am just waking up with some nestea and some veggiemite and peanut butter toast. Im about to study for a little quiz which i should have been studying for last night (thanks brody). however once thats done its halo time at 5:00 at wills. come one come all! (all six of you)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Darn It II

Ok so the ordeal is over. Tyler - emailed - a - girl - -!!! (Celebratory balloons fall from thin air and Tyler jumps up and down triumphantly and joyfully etc.)

Darn it

Figgity Fuck. Tyler can't concentrate!! How to talk to a girl??? Something I will never learn.

In other news

Right now, I am procrastinating. You see, I have a midterm tomorrow, but did not buy the textbook for the course. So I am in a bit of trouble. bu bu buh...


I thought this was interesting:

I have a headache -- Brody

It's 2:01 PM and I have a headache. Please give me money and food.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Funny Obama Comic -by Jon

Go to this link and read the comic. It ties in with yesterdays post.


Caterpillars - Queens of the Ants - by Jon

I just heard the craziest thing: caterpillars can talk ant language, or at the very least make strange ‘clicking’ sounds that ants recognize as their own. As a result of this, the caterpillar can sneak its way into the hive and crawl about. The cool part, astonishingly (as if the ‘talking ant’ wasn’t cool enough), is that it can convince the worker ants that it is their queen by mimicking queen ant sounds. In other words, if it wants food, it gets food…and protection…and whores…or tells two ants to fight to the death for its entertainment.

I am not sure what type of caterpillar, or types of caterpillars are able to pull this off, but my respect for caterpillars just quadrupled.

Ants are morons.

Alabama Born Loud Mouth Re-Signed -- Brody the Writter

Buffalo Bills signed Terrell Owens. He now gets another opportunity to catch the football.

Pareidolia - by Jon

It appears there is some confusion with respect to one of my esteemed posts yesterday. Given that we only have 5 or 6 readers (that includes the four writers….we love you Brodie_B!), I’m sure you know which post I am referring to.

That’s right, the dog ass! To put it cogently, I am making reference to the psychological term pareidolia – when a vague or fuzzy stimulus (like a picture or cloud or what have you) is perceived as clear and distinct. You may recall such cultural examples as ‘The Virgin Mary in the grilled cheese sandwich’ (which sold on e-bay to a casino in Vegas for 10’s of G’s), or ‘Elvis on a floor tile’, ‘Homer Simpson on the Moon’ (or maybe it was Mars). Of course there is the popular ‘Face-on-Mars’. Google that, it will surely convince you aliens exist.

The vague humanoid-like figure on the dog’s ass is simply a parody of the aforementioned. Or maybe it really is a sign. Of course, if that were the case it provides plenty of brain food – out of all places god could have given the sign…

Monday, March 9, 2009

Stem Cells - by Jon

Here is a little political/science news for anyone interested. I normally stay completely away from politics, but since this one involves science (and the fact that life is generally good), it becomes worth mentioning.

Today Obama has reversed the nation wide ban on stem cell research formerly introduced by George W. Bush. This allows scientists to study the amazing 'adaptibility' of stem cells for use in medicine in the attempt to cure societies worst ailments (cancer, spinal damage, etc).

What interests me the most is the possibility that stem cells can be implemented to potentially reverse or prevent aging. They are the fountain of youth. Think of all the blog posting one could accomplish....

An interesting aside to this news item is the controversey drummed up by anti-stem cell / Pro-life proponents - that by researching stem cells we are killing people, farming babies for slaughter, and/or damning potential souls. Whatever the claim may be, it's complete nonsense. All the stem cells used in research are gathered from extra fertilized embryos stored for in vitro fertilization purposes. They would be thrown out anyway.....why not use them for constructive purposes. I always find it interesting that they leave this major point out.

Of course, when you deal with ideology, facts are used only if they support ones position, otherwise they are simply ignored.

Anyway, thats my rant for the day.

Jon the writter

Can you find Jesus?

Tyler - i am a writer

i don't like other people judging my writing.


Tyler needs a way to get his homework done without any procrastination...any suggestions?

3rd post- ryan the writter

Stay seated folks, cause this ones going to be a doozie. Brody did set the bar pretty high but I think I can attain his high standards. My name is Ryan.

The Second Post -- Brody the Writter

I believe, since the first post was not properly written, that there is now a lot of pressure on this post to be good, therefore I'm just going to skip it and let someone else write the third post, since I believe the pressure from this post well be transferred to the next one. Good luck not screwing it up.

The First Post! -- Brody the Writter

I believe there is too much pressure placed on the first post to be megatronically interesting, therefore I'm just going to skip it and move on to the second post.