Monday, March 16, 2009

Ryan's thoughts

People don't appreciate what they have. Every day I thank... well i don't thank God, but I thank science and chance for not only making me human, a creature able to comprehend its own existence, but put in the top percentile in terms of wealth. 20% of the population having 80% of the wealth... does that seem fair? well who cares about that.. because of this we have lots of extra time to sit about and write in blogs all day.. But WHAT DO MOST PEOPLE DO? complain... complain complain complain... ah this traffic is terrible! omg that person didnt wash their hands(haha)! our political system is terribly corrupt! I have 1 answer to all of those: Its not Africa, stop fucking complaining. It seems that no matter what situation we are in we complain that we don't have enough...

thoughts, comments, additions?


  1. Maybe there are two alternate realities taking place.

    One is this reality we experience, where the lady who serves you your coffee does it with distain because she really doesn't want to serve you your coffee and wants you to know it; where we can't just drive down to chile and hang out on the beach for the next couple years because we need to stay close to home and continue working all day long so we have enough money to go out at least one day of the week, pay for some food, a house maybe; where we can't date the cute girl because she would rather date the cute guy; where we are not allowed to speed on the highway, or change lanes without signaling; where we can't wear dark coloured clothes on mondays; chew with our mouths open; ask inappropriate questions; lie; cheat; live freely.

    The other reality is exactly the same as this one except your have complete unrestricted free will. You are not required to eat, unless you are in the mood, and if your in the mood its alright since food is always an arms reach away. It's always warm, and when it rains you only have to get wet if you want to. Hanging on a beach in Chile is as easy as pointing yourself in it's general direction. If you don't want to go alone then the cute girl is desperate to go with you. You can call her up, hop in a car, drive as fast as you want, wear what you want, drool all over yourself, ask her if thats an accent or a speech impediment, lie, cheat, live freely.

    It seems we are stuck in the first reality, and that's why I complain. Complaining seems to be a subtle way of expressing my qualms relating to how fucked up some things are.

  2. yes i choose reality #2 if you don't mind. I guess the question is, do we have what we want right here and we dont know it? (classic grass is always greener on the other side)

    Here are some key words in brody's last paragraph; stuck, complain, qualms, fucked up..
    is there a pattern? definately no expert on the subject but that seems a little bit negative. I think in the beginning, complaining feels good and maybe even funny to yourself and others. Maybe you decide to do it more often busting out killer complaints even when its not required. After a while you might not even notice any more and it becomes your norm, your "thing". Before you know it you have created your own environment where everything around you sucks and there are so many things that could be better..

    Bro. your not there yet, but their are many people who are like this who might develop major depressive disorder, or even schizophrenia. (cite)

    Point. yes its easy to complain, blame, shame and name all the things wrong with this world, however it doesn't solve anything, and it in fact shields people from the beauty of the world.

    tell me, how often do you stop in your tracks and think to yourself how wonderful life is? (i feel cheezy now, but its true) stop. think. life is beautiful.

  3. Yes. If you complain the neighbors grass is greener long enough then eventually it well be, probably because you simply give up taking care of your own grass.

    I think life is great at times. Mostly when I'm standing alone in a field. (I feel cheexy now too). Yet for me, schizophrenia is probably inevitable.

  4. yeah thats totally the point i was getting at

  5. Why couldn't you have written this yesterday before I had the opportunity to drown all those cute kittens...

    "Life is Beautiful" - try telling that to all those kids with cancer. Life is ugly, rutheless, amoral, ephemeral, and it doesn't give a damn about you. But at least the girls are cute.

  6. Only since the last 100 years or so has life actually turned into something worth living - thanks to all those miracles of science and modern medicine (antibiotics!); and what do people do, they ignore the reality right in front of them, supplanting it with pre-scientific thinking (homeopathy, law of attraction) and sympathetic magics like Karma. Life is something that must be respected and feared.

  7. you anger me jon, however if i retalited, karma would get me right?
    no just kidding, excellent point jon, there is evil in this world, but for those who arnt burdened with something dehabilitating such as cancer, people should learn to love life.

    remember ben from my old house? he lived his life in fear and now look where is is.. no one knows.Life should be respected yes, feared absolutely not, LOVED ABSOLUTELY.

    Many people have said that it took a near death experience or a doctor telling you that you only have 6 months to live before people actually start "living" their lives. think about it, in reality wouldent you love to almost die every day so you can get the best out of every day? im just saying pinch yourself every once and a while to make sure your still living.
    tomorrows assinment: almost kill someone

  8. fuck.. in the first paragraph im not saying that those with cancer shouldent love life im just saying that those without it shouldent waste what they have.

  9. I wasn't serious about the feared part...i did it for hyperbole

  10. I stand by everything else

  11. It's 1:11 a.m. I have just under 23 hours left to complete Ryans assignment for today. I want them to appreciate life, to really appreciate it. tick.... tick..... the sound of order. tick.... the sound of time retreating.

  12. so do you have a point jon or are you just exagerating everything to counter (spell) me?

  13. Oh I have a point, so don't dodge

  14. Die hypocritical scum buckets!
